Appium is the most requisite mobile automation testing tool which is an open source framework mainly supports Native, Hybrid and Web applications for Android, iOS based devices.Appium uses standard Application Program Interface (API) for the automation which is not needed to modify or recompile when the particular application is under testing
Our Course Content
- Introduction
- Why Should I Learn APPIUM
Introduction to Testing
- What is testing?
- Introduction about manual testing.
- Introduction about automation testing.
- About web automation, UI automation and mobile automation.
- Introduction of different automation tools
Installing JDK , Maven , Android SDK
- About Appium and Mobile Automation
- What is Appium?
- Advantages of Appium in automation.
- Native, hybrid and web apps.
- About multiple operating systems.
Appium Setup Config
- About the required software.
- Software Installation steps.
- Environmental variable Path configuration.
- Pda net+
- Client dependency installation.
Android Studio Usage
- About Android SDK.
- Usage of ADB commands.
- About emulators and creating an emulator.
Android UI Autoviewer
- Usage of ui automation viewer.
- How to load the device.
- How to save mobile screenshots.
- App object identification.