Power BI

This module will walk you through the fundamental concepts of BI and Power BI Desktop. You will gain knowledge of query and file operations. You will learn about Power BI on how to connect multiple data sources to this tool and other concepts including tables, columns, and measures.

Our Course Content

Power BI Desktop & Power Query

Getting Started

  1. Class Introduction (BI Basics)
  2. Class Introduction (Power Platform & Power BI Desktop Overview)
  3. Data Discovery with Power BI Desktop

Transforming Data

  1. Basic Transforms
  2. Add Column From Example
  3. Appending Queries
  4. Merging Queries
  5. Combine Files
  6. M Query Basics
  7. Parameters and Templates
  8. Other Query Features

Creating the Data Model

  1. Introduction to Modeling Data
  2. Modeling Basics
  3. Model Enhancements
  4. What If Parameters
  5. DAX Basics
  6. Navigation Function
  7. Calculated Tables
  8. Measure Basics
  9. Time Intelligence Functions
Power BI Service Visualization
  1. Introduction to Visualizing Data
  2. Creating Basic Reports with the Power BI Desktop
  3. Creating Interactive Reports (Adding Slicers for Filters)
  4. Visualizing Tabular Data
  5. Visualizing Categorical Data
  6. Visualizing Data Trends
  7. Visualizing Categorical and Trend Data Together
  8. Visualizing Geographical Data with Maps
  9. Visualizing Goal Tracking
  10. Using Custom Visuals
  11. Digital Storytelling
  12. Other Features

Usage of Power BI Service

  1. Deploying to the Power BI Service
  2. Creating and Sharing Dashboards
  3. Using Power BI Q&A
  4. Setting up App Workspaces
  5. Subscriptions and Alerts
  6. Excel Integration
  7. Export and Embed Options

Data Refreshing

  • Overview
  • Installing the Data Gateway
  • Scheduling a Data Refresh

Power Mobile Version

  • Power BI Mobile Overview
  • Designing Reports and Dashboards for Mobile
  • Interacting with the Power BI Mobile App
Get Data Module
  1. Excel
  2. CSV
  3. Flat File
  4. Facebook
  5. Sql Server
  6. SSAS Multidimensional
  7. SSAS Tabular
Data Analysis Expression ( DAX ) Basics
  1. Getting Started
  2. Data Modeling Basics (Overview & Tabular)
  3. What is DAX (Overview & Tabular)
  4. Creating Calculated Columns
  5. Navigation Functions
  6. Conditional and Logical Functions
  7. Creating Calculated Measures
  8. Time Intelligence Overview & Functions
  9. Using X-Functions and A-Functions
  10. Table Functions
  11. DAX as a Query Language
DAX ( Advanced )
  1. Class Introduction (Class Files)
  2. Class Introduction (Why Advanced DAX)
  3. Working with Variables
  4. Working with Filter Context – Basics
  6. Overriding Filter Context
  8. Working with Filter Context (ALL EXCEPT)
  9. Totals


  1. CALCULATE and Time Intelligence (YTD and MTD)
  2. Rolling 12 Months Total
  3. Rolling 3 Month Average Total


  1. Semi-Additive Measures (Overview)
  2. Opening and Closing Balance
  3. Understanding Row Context and Context Transition
  4. Working with Iterator Functions
  5. Nested Row Context
  6. Error Handling


  1. Implementing Basic Security
  2. Dynamic Security
  3. Implementing Basic Security – Tabular
  4. Dynamic Security – Tabular


  1. Role Playing Dimensions (Multiple Table Import)


  1. Advanced DAX Functions
  3. FIND
  6. RANKX

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